„Die Freiheit, die Beweglichkeit der Farben, die Länge der Bögen, wenn man so will, seines Spiels zeugen von einer absoluten Beherrschung der Klaviatur.”

Con­cert Clas­sic, Novem­ber 2022

„Die Freiheit, die Beweglichkeit der Farben, die Länge der Bögen, wenn man so will, seines Spiels zeugen von einer absoluten Beherrschung der Klaviatur.”

Con­cert Clas­sic, Novem­ber 2022

As the youngest par­tic­i­pant, Roman Borisov won the First Prize at the Kissinger KlavierOlymp in Octo­ber 2022. In its state­ment, the jury wrote: „[…] with his high­ly musi­cal, intu­itive and struc­ture- con­scious inter­pre­ta­tions of works by Lieber­mann, Beethoven, Rach­mani­nov, Brahms and Prokofiev, he demon­strat­ed absolute cre­ative will and impressed with his nat­ur­al and con­sis­tent stage pres­ence.“

Thanks to a sen­si­tive, musi­cal­ly edu­cat­ed nurs­ery school­teacher, Roman Borisov was intro­duced to leg­endary piano teacher Mary Leben­zon at the Novosi­birsk Con­ser­va­to­ry at the ear­ly age of four. Mrs. Leben­zon accom­pa­nied him until 2020. From the ear­li­est children’s com­pe­ti­tions, he drew atten­tion to him­self, e.g. win­ning a schol­ar­ship of the Spi­vakov Foun­da­tion.

After win­ning first prize at the Krainev Youth Com­pe­ti­tion 2019 and numer­ous con­certs in the 2019/2020 sea­son, includ­ing in Ham­burg, Berlin, at the Piano Fes­ti­val Ruhr, and at the Gstaad Fes­ti­val, he decid­ed to move to Berlin after fin­ish­ing his sec­ondary edu­ca­tion. In Jan­u­ary 2022, he suc­cess­ful­ly began his stud­ies at the Hanns Eisler con­ser­va­to­ry with Prof. Eldar Nebolsin. Pre­vi­ous engage­ments have tak­en him to Nan­cy with the Orchestre de l’Opéra nation­al de Lor­raine con­duct­ed by Vladimir Kirad­jiev; to Reut­lin­gen with the Würt­tem­berg Phil­har­mon­ic Orches­tra con­duct­ed by Ari­ane Mati­akh, and to Vien­na with the ORF Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra con­duct­ed by Howard Grif­fith. He has pre­sent­ed his solo pro­gram at the Phil­har­monie Essen as well as in Bor­deaux, Anglet, Zürich and Bad Kissin­gen.

In Sep­tem­ber 2022, at the invi­ta­tion of the Orpheum Foun­da­tion Zürich, he record­ed the Mozart Piano Con­cer­tos K. 413 and K. 415 togeth­er with the ORF Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra under the direc­tion of Howard Grif­fith as part of a com­plete record­ing of the Mozart Piano Con­cer­tos. The release is sched­uled for June 2023 by the label Alpha.

High­lights of the 2023/24 sea­son include Roman Borisov’s debuts at the Con­cert­ge­bouw Ams­ter­dam with the Würt­tem­ber­gis­che Phil­har­monie Reut­lin­gen con­duct­ed by Ari­ane Mati­akh and at the Konz­erthaus Wien with a recital pro­gram. Orches­tral engage­ments include con­certs with the Deutsches Sym­phonie-Orch­ester con­duct­ed by Kent Nagano, with the Konz­erthaus- orch­ester Berlin con­duct­ed by Nil Ven­dit­ti, with the Bochumer Sym­phoniker con­duct­ed by Ari­ane Mati­akh, with the Münch­n­er Sym­phoniker con­duct­ed by Joseph Bas­t­ian, with I Pom­me­ri­gi Musi­cali con­duct­ed by George Pehli­van­ian, and with the Roman­ian Nation­al Radio Orches­tra con­duct­ed by John Axel­rod. He will also demon­strate his solois­tic skills with recitals at the Ruhr Piano Fes­ti­val, the Bre­men Music Fes­ti­val, and the Bruck­n­er­haus Linz.

His cur­rent recital reper­toire includes works by Rach­mani­noff, Tchaikovsky, Prokoviev, Brahms, Chopin, Beethoven. He is an alum­nus of the Sum­mer Acad­e­my of the Ver­bier Fes­ti­val (2019), where he won the Tabor Foun­da­tion Award as the best par­tic­i­pant of the piano sec­tion. At the acad­e­my he received impor­tant impuls­es from Sir András Schiff, Klaus Hell­wig, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Joaquín Achú­car­ro and Sergei Babayan. His per­for­mance of Rach­mani­noff works at the Piano Fes­ti­val Ruhr (2021) was incor­po­rat­ed into its annu­al CD release.